To determine the suitability as a pilot we make use of the well known Compass pilot selection assessment. A globally used assessment with a high predictability. The assessments has been used for thousands of student pilots and is being used by major airlines.
We believe its crucial to select properly in order to guarantee a certain level of quality and avoid huge costs for possible students who will struggle to perform as a pilot and therefore won’t find a job easily.
We make use of two versions of Compass: Compass (ab initio) and advanced Compass (pilots). The Compass measures:
For pilots complex control tasks and ATPL theoretical questions on jet aircraft and operations is added.
A Picompany personality assessment will be executed as well focusing on relevant competencies, such as stability, flexibility, self discipline, team orientation, independence, leadership, assertiveness and more. The human factor is an important element of the pilot quality.
Tests are online and computer based and will take approximately half a day at the Pi Flight offices in Randburg, Johannesburg
The assessments are included in the program pricing.